Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology


METX first-year students participate in three seven-week laboratory rotations, while undertaking rigorous coursework that emphasizes critical evaluation of scientific models and experimental results. The program provides the flexibility to craft an individual curriculum that specifically suits the needs of the student's research interests. At the end of the three rotations, students select a thesis lab for an independent research project that ultimately leads to their dissertation. First year students craft a literature review to form a sound basis for their thesis research. In the second year, students take oral qualifying exams. Advanced graduate students work under the direct supervision of one of fifteen affiliated faculty members in a highly interactive, collaborative research environment. All students speak every year in the Dept. of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology seminar series, participate in a variety of seminars, advanced special topics courses, and research group meetings designed to provide continuing learning opportunities. Please refer to the METX Graduate Student Handbook for detailed information on graduate studies in the department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology.

General Requirements

  • Coursework: Students take a minimum of 5 courses (courses listed below).
  • Research Rotations: Students complete 3 rotations in different laboratories during the 1st year
  • Rotation Seminar: Students present a rotation talk at the end of each rotation in the 1st year
  • Teaching: Graduate students must TA at least one quarter
  • Oral Qualifying Exam: The qualifying exam is taken at the end of their 2nd year
  • Research Seminar: Students formally present their research in the 3rd year
  • Thesis Advisory Committee: Students must meet with a thesis advisory committee once a year
  • Doctoral Dissertation: Students must submit a doctoral thesis to the advisory committee.
  • Oral Dissertation Defense: Students must present a formal seminar to defend the thesis

Required Course Work

Details regarding coursework requirements are available in the METX Catalog.

METX Graduate Courses include
  • METX 200 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Problems at the Interface of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology)
  • METX 206A (Advanced Microbiology)
  • METX 202 (Cell and Molecular Toxicology)
  • METX 245A (Scientific Communication) or METX 205 (Grant Writing) 
  • METX 200B (Developing and presenting scientific projects)
  • METX 201 (Sources and Fates of Pollutants)
  • METX 210 (Bacterial Pathogenesis)
  • METX 238 (Pathogenesis)
  • METX 250 (Environmental Microbiology)
Students must also take BIOL 289 (Practice of Science: Scientific Ethics)

Sample Schedule

Each student has a unique path to their degree. The schedules below give you an idea of what you can expect. In years 1 through 3, you will meet with the METX Graduate Advising Committee before the start of the academic year to go over your plan for the coming year.

Sample Schedule

Typical First Year Schedule

  • METX 200 : Interdisciplinary Approaches in Environmental Toxicology (department core course)
  • METX 297B : Research units for rotations students (10 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

Rotation 1 is completed and Rotation 2 begins.
Additional coursework may be required to close any knowledge or skill gaps as identified in fall advising.

  • METX 206A or METX 202 : field specific core course
  • BIOL 289 : Practice of Science (ethics course)
  • METX 297A : Research units for rotations students (5 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

Rotations 2 and 3 are completed. Permanent lab assignment is selected.

  • METX 245A : scientific writing course (preparation for Literature Review)
  • METX 201 or METX 238 or METX 210 : METX elective (not all courses are available every year)
  • METX 299A : Research units in permanent lab (5 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar
Summer Complete Literature Review

Typical Second Year Schedule


  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students nominate their QE Committee and submit their QE Abstract.

  • METX 200B : Graduate Research Project Development (preparation for QE)
  • METX 299A : Research units in permanent lab (5 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week) 

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students complete their Qualifying Examination by May 15.

Students present a short (15-20 minute) talk regarding their thesis research.

Summer Students continue their research and work with their PI to identify their Dissertation Reading Committee members.

Typical Third Year Schedule

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students who have not completed their electives may take courses to fulfill their requirements.

Students nominate their Dissertation Reading Committee.

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students who have not completed their electives may take courses to fulfill their requirements.

Students hold their first Dissertation Reading Committee meeting.

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students who have not completed their electives may take courses to fulfill their requirements.

Students present their thesis research to the department in a 50 minute seminar.


Students advance to candidacy after the end of Spring Quarter.

Students continue their research through the summer.

Typical Schedule for Years 4 through 6

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students hold their annual Dissertation Reading Committee meeting.

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

  • METX 299B : Research units in permanent lab (10 units)
  • METX 281_ : Lab meeting in permanent lab (2 units)
  • METX 292 : METX department seminar

TA or GSR Appointment (50% employment, ~20 hours/week)

Students present a short (15-20 minute) talk regarding their thesis research.

Summer Students continue their research through the summer.




Program in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering is supported by training grants from the National Institute of General Medical Science and the National Human Genome Research Institute.
nih UCSC's graduate  Program in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering is supported by training grants from the National Institute of General Medical Science and the National Human Genome Research Institute.