Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology


Fifteen faculty members from six departments participate in the METX training track. Their research covers numerous topics related to human and environmental health, exposure biology, host pathogenesis, bacterial pathogenesis, microbial biology including bacteria, viruses and fungi, and the roles of microbes in the environment. Basic research utilizes diverse approaches, including biochemistry, genetics, genomics, ecology, and imaging to address questions at the forefront of microbial biology and toxicology.

METX Core Faculty

METX Faculty
Vicki Auerbuch Stone Innate Immune Responses to the Human Pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
Manel Camps Use of Random Mutagenesis for Studies of Evolution and for Therapy

Raquel Chamorro-Garcia

Epigenetic mechanisms of genome-environment interactions and transgenerational inheritance in mouse models
Jacqueline Kimmey Host pathogen interactions and dynamics in Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
Audrie Lin Role of the exposome in the biological embedding of childhood adversity
Karen Ottemann The Molecular Virulence Factors of Helicobacter pylori
Michael Patnode Defining competitive relationships among members of the human gut microbiota as it relates to carbohydrate metabolism
Chad Saltikov Understanding the Molecular Biology and Ecology of Bacteria that Metabolize Toxic Metals
Donald Smith Neurotoxicity, cellular and organismal responses to environmental toxins
Fitnat Yildiz Molecular Mechanisms of Biofilm Formation in Vibrio cholerae

METX Affiliate Faculty

Manny Ares MCD Mechanisms of Splicing Regulation
Hinrich Boeger MCD Chromatin Structure and Gene Regulation   
Susan Carpenter MCD Long Noncoding RNA and Inflammation
Rebecca Dubois BME Structure, Function, and Engineering of Virus Proteins
Grant Hartzog MCD How Chromatin Influences Transcription
Rohinton Kamakaka MCD Chromosome Structure and Gene Regulation
Doug Kellogg MCD Control of Cell Growth and Size
Marm Kilpatrick EEB Ecology of Infections Diseases, Population Biology, and Conservation
Scott Lokey CHEM Chemical Biology, Cyclic Peptides, Small Molecule Screening 
Todd Lowe BME Computational and Experimental Discovery of Non-coding RNAs, Microbial Genomics, Extremophile Biology
John MacMillan CHEM Natural products chemistry, chemical biology, structural elucidation, cancer biology, microbial natural products
Glenn Millhauser CHEM Prions, Metallobiochemistry, Agouti and Melanocortin Signaling, Total Protein Synthesis
Harry Noller MCD Structure and Function of the Ribosome 
Carrie Partch CHEM
Partch Lab
Molecular Mechanisms of Circadian Rhythmicity
Beth Shapiro EEB Inferring the Evolutionary Dynamics of Species and Populations Using Genome-scale Data Sampled Over Time
Bill Sullivan MCD Cell Cycle, Cytoskeleton, and Host-pathogen Interactions
Jordan Ward MCD
Probing C. elegans development, cellular differentiation, and parasitic disease
Yi Zuo MCD
Synapse Plasticity and Learning/Memory

HIGM and NHGRI funding
nih UCSC's graduate  Program in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering is supported by training grants from the National Institute of General Medical Science and the National Human Genome Research Institute.